My political ideology is libertarian national populism which is currently branded MAGA in the US. But I follow the progressive left media which has more become anti-MAGA than pro-anything and just fills the void with fact-free happy talk about democrats and demonization of all things MAGA especially the current leader of the movement President Trump. This was demonstrated throughout the highly Hollywood scripted production at the DNC convention which was all squishy feely emotional without any facts, logic or specific plans.
My observations following the DNC convention is that their target audiences are those on the government dole and the rest of the voters at the bottom of the IQ curve. So I wasted 44 minutes of my life to listen to this discussion between Joe Klein and John Ellis to see if they could enlighten me on anything that I’ve missed up to this point. I didn’t miss anything. The discussion was as fact free as the DNC convention:
1. Michelle and Barack Obama’s speeches were wonderful
Why? Other than not being their usually racist, divisive selves what accomplishments or policy positions did they offer?
2. Kamala’s scripted and coached speech was impressive
Other than the one word “lethal” for military, why?
3. Orange man bad
Why? If you think that his republican acceptance speech packed with his accomplishments while in office was narcissistic then I want four more years of those types of accomplishments. Under President Trump’s leadership we had peace, prosperity and border security. The Biden/Harris presidency has been a dumpster fire which is why Obama/Harris can’t talk about their failed record. It is entertaining to watch the democrats try to blame all of the problems that they have created (inflation, soaring national debt, crushed wages, international turmoil on the brink of nuclear war, crime, uncontrolled immigration, etc.) on the Trump administration. How far down the IQ curve do you have to be to actually believe those lies?
Over the weekend I went to a car race attended by “testosterone laden, gun totting males” and good looking conservative women (there is no dispute that conservative women are better looking than stuck-up progressive leftists). People were laughing how juvenile the democrats sounded. We know that they are lying and will say one thing to get elected and then once in office continue on their Marxist/Communist agenda. We’ve seen this too many times. I don’t think it’s going to work in 2024.
My political ideology is libertarian national populism which is currently branded MAGA in the US. But I follow the progressive left media which has more become anti-MAGA than pro-anything and just fills the void with fact-free happy talk about democrats and demonization of all things MAGA especially the current leader of the movement President Trump. This was demonstrated throughout the highly Hollywood scripted production at the DNC convention which was all squishy feely emotional without any facts, logic or specific plans.
My observations following the DNC convention is that their target audiences are those on the government dole and the rest of the voters at the bottom of the IQ curve. So I wasted 44 minutes of my life to listen to this discussion between Joe Klein and John Ellis to see if they could enlighten me on anything that I’ve missed up to this point. I didn’t miss anything. The discussion was as fact free as the DNC convention:
1. Michelle and Barack Obama’s speeches were wonderful
Why? Other than not being their usually racist, divisive selves what accomplishments or policy positions did they offer?
2. Kamala’s scripted and coached speech was impressive
Other than the one word “lethal” for military, why?
3. Orange man bad
Why? If you think that his republican acceptance speech packed with his accomplishments while in office was narcissistic then I want four more years of those types of accomplishments. Under President Trump’s leadership we had peace, prosperity and border security. The Biden/Harris presidency has been a dumpster fire which is why Obama/Harris can’t talk about their failed record. It is entertaining to watch the democrats try to blame all of the problems that they have created (inflation, soaring national debt, crushed wages, international turmoil on the brink of nuclear war, crime, uncontrolled immigration, etc.) on the Trump administration. How far down the IQ curve do you have to be to actually believe those lies?
Over the weekend I went to a car race attended by “testosterone laden, gun totting males” and good looking conservative women (there is no dispute that conservative women are better looking than stuck-up progressive leftists). People were laughing how juvenile the democrats sounded. We know that they are lying and will say one thing to get elected and then once in office continue on their Marxist/Communist agenda. We’ve seen this too many times. I don’t think it’s going to work in 2024.
Get ready for MAGA 2.0!