Thanks for the enlightening piece on hybrids vs EVs.

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Have you considered making another payment option available to those who appreciate being able to read your column and have no interest in listening to podcasts or other extras? Just a thought.

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I don't listen to podcasts either--I'm a written word guy--but people seem to really enjoy them and I'd like to try a few to see if I could replicate the easy-going spirit of Sanity Clause. But remember: SC is going to remain free for those who don't want to pay for it...and also: I've been writing twice a week on average, about 100 posts a year--which comes to less than $1 per post if you kick in the requested $80. That's a pretty good deal, if you appreciate what I'm doing here.

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Another great column and thanks for ideas I had not considered, like getting a hybrid instead of a Muskla. I already have one Muskla.

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There is an excellent CNBC video on YouTube that includes an interview with Toyota CEO Toyoda (true). He has an interesting POV about why Toyota maintains such a small toe in the EV waters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeXpY-p5NsM

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