Joe, don't let your hatred of Trump cloud the very real fact that Joe Biden is slipping...or has slipped to the point where -- just speaking personally -- I'm starting to question his ability to run our nation, stand up to adversaries, etc. I'm starting to feel like he's in over his head (never felt that way with Reagan or Clinton, or even Obama) and I think his feebleness puts us all in peril.
The Dems need to respond with a confidence-inducing candidate, and quickly.
Staying too long never ends well. Getting out now allows Dems to stop playing derense on age issue and go on offense against Trump's mental acuity. If defeating Trump is THE goal, the choice seems obvious
The US does not need someone super sharp or super clever over the next four years. We need someone who is wise, someone who is decent, and someone who is steadfast. A President who can keep the current prosperity going, ensure the Ukrainians are not overrun by the Russians, work a path through the Middle East quagmire, keep women’s’ health legal in at least a few states. The age thing isn’t optimal but it is no reason to turn to a would-be dictator and end the US democracy as we know it. The Biden campaign is protecting Joe - from winning. Let him get out there. Most of the pundits didn’t give him a chance in 2020 either. Stop with hand wringing and get to work.
I love this idea! Joe bow out of the race now, mission accomplished, and focus on governing for the rest of the year, while Dems do a serious public winnowing job with their stable of younger prospects. Can the various egos line up and make this work? …show Republicans how to manage diversity of opinions? …recognize and carry out the teamwork it will take to prevent the Trump democracy-dismantlement rampage?
This may be a Ruth Bader Ginsberg moment, If she had retired, Democrats could have fought through to replace her. I hope we're not making the same mistake again.
I'll still take Joe over Demented Donald any day. Let's wait until the debates and see how Trump fares. Oh, wait. He doesn't partake of debates -- because his campaign is afraid of how bad he will screw up when someone asks him tough questions.
I hold you in the highest esteem, and you could not be more right than you are here: “Political time flows at a different pace than the civilian clock. Things can change overnight.” It amazes me that longtime observers think it’s too late to change course. It’s almost never too late. But in saying the Attorney General of the United States should be the President’s “wartime consigliere” and in advising Biden to fire Garland for not answering to that description, you lose me. That is Donald Trump’s vision of the Justice Department! Wasn’t he heard to complain that Jeff Sessions had turned out not to be Roy Cohn?
It was a deliberate and calculated hit job. Like the story about the turtle on the fence post, those words didn’t get there by accident. As were Comeys.
Joe, don't let your hatred of Trump cloud the very real fact that Joe Biden is slipping...or has slipped to the point where -- just speaking personally -- I'm starting to question his ability to run our nation, stand up to adversaries, etc. I'm starting to feel like he's in over his head (never felt that way with Reagan or Clinton, or even Obama) and I think his feebleness puts us all in peril.
The Dems need to respond with a confidence-inducing candidate, and quickly.
Staying too long never ends well. Getting out now allows Dems to stop playing derense on age issue and go on offense against Trump's mental acuity. If defeating Trump is THE goal, the choice seems obvious
The US does not need someone super sharp or super clever over the next four years. We need someone who is wise, someone who is decent, and someone who is steadfast. A President who can keep the current prosperity going, ensure the Ukrainians are not overrun by the Russians, work a path through the Middle East quagmire, keep women’s’ health legal in at least a few states. The age thing isn’t optimal but it is no reason to turn to a would-be dictator and end the US democracy as we know it. The Biden campaign is protecting Joe - from winning. Let him get out there. Most of the pundits didn’t give him a chance in 2020 either. Stop with hand wringing and get to work.
I love this idea! Joe bow out of the race now, mission accomplished, and focus on governing for the rest of the year, while Dems do a serious public winnowing job with their stable of younger prospects. Can the various egos line up and make this work? …show Republicans how to manage diversity of opinions? …recognize and carry out the teamwork it will take to prevent the Trump democracy-dismantlement rampage?
This may be a Ruth Bader Ginsberg moment, If she had retired, Democrats could have fought through to replace her. I hope we're not making the same mistake again.
I'll still take Joe over Demented Donald any day. Let's wait until the debates and see how Trump fares. Oh, wait. He doesn't partake of debates -- because his campaign is afraid of how bad he will screw up when someone asks him tough questions.
I hold you in the highest esteem, and you could not be more right than you are here: “Political time flows at a different pace than the civilian clock. Things can change overnight.” It amazes me that longtime observers think it’s too late to change course. It’s almost never too late. But in saying the Attorney General of the United States should be the President’s “wartime consigliere” and in advising Biden to fire Garland for not answering to that description, you lose me. That is Donald Trump’s vision of the Justice Department! Wasn’t he heard to complain that Jeff Sessions had turned out not to be Roy Cohn?
It was a deliberate and calculated hit job. Like the story about the turtle on the fence post, those words didn’t get there by accident. As were Comeys.