Trump seems to be doing all he can to support John Ellis's thesis that he can't grow his base enough to win. Yes, you can interpret his latest rant about NATO as being nothing new; just pay your fair share. But it's just as easy to say he's all for the tsars', Stalin's and Putin's notion of what peoples belong to Russia. There are, I think, a lot of people out there, particularly those of Eastern-European descent, who might agree with the former notion but be appalled by the latter. I have trouble imagining who he thinks agrees that Haley's husband's rotation overseas is an appropriate subject of derision.

Why does he do it? Some of his riffs may reflect a crude political cunning; some may just be an egotistical need to bugle his personal ignorance. Look at me, a billionaire Archie Bunker. What he doesn't get is that there is an ever shrinking number of ostensible supporters who will warn him he has no clothes.

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Joe, I’ve heard David Gergen, Chris Matthew’s and you tell me that a ray of hope in all of this is that the military vet members would form a centrist alliance that would at least ensure that the Congress would not abandon our allies and revert to the isolationist mentality that helped lead to World War II. Well, we are still waiting. Where is Gonzalez, the putative leader of the “With honor” caucus? If this is not the time for this caucus to step forward, then when??? The many insults that Trump has hurled at military people of all stripes should be disqualifying, surely deserving of a formal rebuke. Democrat though I am, there was much to admire in the old Republican Party, its unwillingness to fight for its existence is dispiriting.

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I hear you. The influence of Trump cripples every positive impulse.

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You're right; Trump is not only trolling *us,* he's the lead troll in the army of nutjobs who love to bait the "libtards." I can't imagine that his isolationist, protectionist aims could ever benefit the USA. Wasn't Brexit warning enough? Also, I get the sense that this nation is like a swarm (swarm? herd?) of lemmings scurrying towards a cliff edge, what with the impending nominations steering us towards two octagenarians who are unfit to serve.

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deletedFeb 13
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I'd go to Canada if they'd take me (I'm too old). I'm sorry to say I now understand the blessing/curse "May you live in interesting times."

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deletedFeb 13·edited Feb 13
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Have to agree with Plucky on this one, a Trump victory would be more depressing than terrifying, at least for those of us in the Northeast and the West Coast. Oddly enough, I think the people who would suffer the most are the folks in the middle of this nation of ours who would be hurt by the inflationary impact of his tariffs and the general stalling of the manufacturing revival as world capital takes flight from the US. I am, however, terrified for the Ukrainians who run a serious of being overrun by Putin’s army as our President cheers them on , possibly the most shamefiul episode in American history post World War II. It would rank up there with our egregious support for the coup on Chile and indifference to the plight of the Cambodians as hallmarks in American amorality.

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Agreed about the "woke" crowd and all their terminology and humorless ranting. I do not think you are a wingnut. But I would like to live in a country where there is consensus. The division is jarring at street level.

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deletedFeb 12
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Why are you following Sanity Clause?

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