Trump Wants Russia to Invade Our Allies
I’ve begun to think Donald Trump is trolling people like me. He says these crazy, outrageous, irresponsible things just to set off those of us who are hapless patriots, foolish enough to take foreign policy seriously. He doesn’t quite say them, though. He didn’t quite say that he would favor Russia attacking our NATO allies. He added one of his clever caveats….he’d favor that only if our allies don’t pay their fair share of the Ukraine bill. This is nonsensical, of course. He wants Russia to prod our allies into defeating Russia in Ukraine? Ohh-kay. But that’s not what comes across to his nihilist legions. His message to them is two-fold, at least: First, aren’t we stupid to be spending all this money in favor of a dinky-doo country no one can find on a map? (A country that may be losing its way as Zelensky fires his best general.) But the more important message is: Look at how I can stir up those snooty elites. These are the people who look down on you. Don’t you just love it when I drive them nuts?
How to respond? At this point, I’m stumped. He is, of course, sending a more serious message to his Putin-pal: If I’m elected, Ukraine is yours. And maybe some of those other obscure precincts, too: Moldova? Estonia? Who cares? Big dogs eat. And just watch what Trump does if Biden gets tough on Netanyahu over Gaza. Brother Bibi is a charter member of the Fellowship of Thugs.
One also wonders how military families will react to Trump’s mocking implication that Nikki Haley’s husband has “gone” because he’s on a deployment in Djibouti. Trump’s insinuation is disgusting. In my experience, these families are particularly stressed and sensitive at times when a loved one is deployed. I don’t understand how any member of the military can support this guy but, of course, many do.
A Stray Thought About Gaza
I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating. If a cease fire—predicated on a hostage release—isn’t forthcoming, Biden should tell the Israelis: We love you. We want to preserve your security. We’ll continue to send defensive systems like the Patriot missiles and Iron Dome, but no more offensive weapons—not a bullet—until you stop this war and find a way to negotiate a two-state solution. A tough, but restrained statement on this—and, of course, the Mexican border—can help meliorate the perception that the President is doddering.
Keep an Eye on Pakistan, Too
One of the reasons why John Ellis’s News Items is so excellent is that he keeps track of things like Pakistan’s elections. Why is this so important? Because Pakistan is a nuclear state with a history of Islamist coups. It is one of the most dangerous places in the world, barely a country, but a collection of tribal states that don’t much like each other—Punjabis, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Balochs—and if it slips into chaos, as seems entirely possible, the anarchy may spill over into neighboring states: India, Afghanistan, Iran. The jailed cricketeer, and second-rate populist demagogue, Imran Khan did much better than expected in the election against the military dictatorship. Watch out.
Mike Gallagher
No sooner do I praise the Wisconsin Congressman for his vote against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas and for his overall intelligence than Gallagher announces he’s retiring from the Congress. Another good one Trumped out, part of the great rolling disaster that is Donald. Gallagher plans to continue his service in the national security sector. (Not as a lobbyist, I hope.) But we’re going to miss his smarts and leadership. The Gods of Politics want the sanity sector to suffer.
The Magic of Douglas Murray
I love The Free Press for many reasons, but a special blessing has been Douglas Murray’s weekly column about the poetry that he has memorized over the years, a column just ending now. Here’s his last, with an opening commentary by the Freep’s editor Bari Weiss. Happily, Murray will now do a year of columns about oratory he’s memorized. Thank you, Mr. Murray, for taking the edge off my anxiety every week.
In Memoriam
My old campaign bus buddy Karen Ball was, in addition to being a great reporter and an even better person—and a great wife and mom—a stone crazy Kansas City Chiefs fan. She passed away a few months ago, so I watched the Super Bowl yesterday, rooting hard for the Chiefs, with Karen in mind. They won it for you, girl.
Trump seems to be doing all he can to support John Ellis's thesis that he can't grow his base enough to win. Yes, you can interpret his latest rant about NATO as being nothing new; just pay your fair share. But it's just as easy to say he's all for the tsars', Stalin's and Putin's notion of what peoples belong to Russia. There are, I think, a lot of people out there, particularly those of Eastern-European descent, who might agree with the former notion but be appalled by the latter. I have trouble imagining who he thinks agrees that Haley's husband's rotation overseas is an appropriate subject of derision.
Why does he do it? Some of his riffs may reflect a crude political cunning; some may just be an egotistical need to bugle his personal ignorance. Look at me, a billionaire Archie Bunker. What he doesn't get is that there is an ever shrinking number of ostensible supporters who will warn him he has no clothes.
Joe, I’ve heard David Gergen, Chris Matthew’s and you tell me that a ray of hope in all of this is that the military vet members would form a centrist alliance that would at least ensure that the Congress would not abandon our allies and revert to the isolationist mentality that helped lead to World War II. Well, we are still waiting. Where is Gonzalez, the putative leader of the “With honor” caucus? If this is not the time for this caucus to step forward, then when??? The many insults that Trump has hurled at military people of all stripes should be disqualifying, surely deserving of a formal rebuke. Democrat though I am, there was much to admire in the old Republican Party, its unwillingness to fight for its existence is dispiriting.