
Agree...and we'll see how he deals with it on CNN tonight.

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Probably one of the worst and inaccurate pieces you've ever written! What a waste of my time enduring the lengthy read! I'm subscribing immediately!

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Well you seem to be disagreeing with him so why are you saying...well written. Are you a relative/friend?

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“I still think Biden has been doing a solid job as President…”

Really? What hyperbaric chamber have you been floating in for the past 28 months?

Biden abandoned the Bagram Air Base before evacuating US citizens and Afghan allies, leaving weapons and equipment for the Taliban to commandeer. Seeing this weakness, we’ve lost credibility with our allies, and Putin feels free to invade Ukraine, and China brazenly threatens Taiwan, as the two superpowers form an alliance against us.

Inflation is at a four decade high, canceling out rising wages, while Biden’s solution is to print more money.

The border is a mess with the pervasion of drug cartels pushing fentanyl, human trafficking and infectious diseases.

Violent crime continues to climb as progressive DAs and AGs refuse to prosecute.

The national debt has increased by 4 trillion dollars.

Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people, leading to higher oil and gas prices in the US. At the same time, he gave his approval for the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany. Biden then had to beg Russia to supply more oil and gas to the US in order to reduce prices.

I suggest you dry yourself off and take a look at the decline and devolution of this country which started in January 2021.

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Well written as usual Joe. I did a little squinting and eye rolling reading your opinions of republicans in general and Ron DeSantis specifically. It is the Democratic left with their radical views about every cultural issue that should be alarming. We as a nation have morphed over time to include marginalized people. We try to be tolerant of race, creed, color, and religion. But the left calls people hateful when they demand endorsement, not tolerance of gays in all their manifestations. The left cannot even define what a woman is anymore. Belief and reality are not the same thing. Equity and equality are not the same. Teaching early grade schoolers about sexuality is just plain wrong on so many levels. The left screeches about rights but never about responsibilities. Far more intolerance is exhibited by the left than the right. Our military cares more about pronouns now than preparedness.

We need less pandering to extreme behaviors, more talk about commonality than differences. Just my opinion.

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I don't think doubling down on the Access Hollywood remarks was a very good move by Trump. I think this will start playing out in MAGA bedrooms where the MAGA women may still naively think that No means No in MAGA world.

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