I recommend The Reckoning: How the Democrats and the Left Betrayed Women and Girls by Kara Dansky https://g.co/kgs/jhoMkwN

Signed, former Democrat Voter all my life Gen X mom of ROGD trans identified young woman. This is a social contagion and one of the biggest medical scandals. Wake up Democrats!

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I'm an (elderly) biomedical researcher, so I encounter corners of contemporary lunacy unsuspected by most. The following is a point written by the editor of the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), quite a reputable publication, in response to a research submission that had largely completed and passed the peer review process:

6. Language around gender:

(a) In keeping with CMAJ reporting policies, given that you have analyzed population data that do not appear to include information on gender identity, please use “birthing parents” rather than “women” or “mothers”, “characteristics of the birthing parent” rather than “paternal characteristics”, and “characteristics of the non-birthing parent” rather than “paternal characteristics” (assuming this is correct – see below).

(b) With regard to “paternal” data, please clarify: do your data sources capture data on the biological father of the neonate (including, for example, pregnancies achieved through surrogacy or assisted reproduction), or do they instead capture data on the non-birthing parent of the neonate (who may not be male or identify as a man)?

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This is both absurd and terrifying.

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I take modest comfort in the fact that this one comes from Canada.

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What is this article meant to accomplish? I am not changing my vote. I am not concerned with incarcerated persons getting medically prescribed treatment no matter how stupid it sounds to you. I live in the South and that ad plays constantly. The people watching are already Trumpers. What a waste of Substack space. I will vote for the Harris who was described in the endorsements in the New Yorker, the NYTimes and a zillion other sane places.

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You misapprehend my role. It is not to ignore, or worse, cheerlead for stupidity. The baseball fans who saw these ads are not necessarily Trumpers. And the vast majority are not undecided. But a few may be...and the Democrats' willingness to lose those handful of votes, perhaps crucial ones, over what should be an entirely peripheral non-issue makes me sick. Even if Harris wins--which I certainly hope--this should be an object lesson about left-wing self-indulgence for the future.

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You do know that the ad content is over 5 years old and the issue hasn't been discussed since. At its heart was a Constitutional issue that had already been decided by several courts and Harris's position was to uphold the Constitution. Democrats can't do much about the GOP's habit of running fear ads that provide no context. By the way, this is the only Trump ad I have seen. Is this all they've got?

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As I've been writing, it's the cultural issues that matter. This trans thing is a fad--and the Dems fell for it hook, line and sinker. Like the silly pronoun stuff. To answer your question: this may be all Trump needs.

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" I will vote for the Harris who was described in the endorsements in the New Yorker, the NYTimes and a zillion other sane places."

Well, there is no cure for stupid.

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Are you calling Klein stupid? You better read his latest piece here. Or are you just calling me stupid for agreeing with him?

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Only those at the bottom of the IQ curve believe the lies of the New Yorker, the NYTimes, the Worthless Compost, the Atlantic, the Bulwark and a zillion other propoganda machines. And you can read my comment on Klein's 25 days to go piece.

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Thanks for demonstrating that you aren't capable of an ideological discussion using facts and logic. By exposing your incapacity so quickly you've saved me a lot of time.

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It's over. MAGA is too big to rig. The Trump rally in Butler, PA was absolutely MASSIVE!


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I was kind of surprised that Joe was not aware of Kamala’s position on gender care as highlighted in video clips. If there had been a true Dem primary there would be more of these sort of clips, regardless of who was eventually the nominee.

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Good stuff Joe. Appreciate the take on the transition surgery, with the scary realization that this and Kamala’s other 2019 admissions are what she truly believes. The good news is that one of these two is defeated, never to become President. Conversely, you can figure out the bad news.

Ps Joe— loved your reference to the late historian Jan Morris. I read the Pax Brittanica trilogy years ago and it remains one of my favorite reading pleasures.

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IIf we elect Trump, we may never again have the privilege of voting for a sane moderate conservative. Kamala may have been a silly liberal--in the past, perhaps now--but Donald Trump is a very sick anti-American demagogue. If Harris wins and turns out to be foolish, I will happily join you in voting against her in 2028. If Trump wins, we may not have the opportunity to vote--as he and Elon Musk say--ever again.

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Joe, you are a mental retard. How exactly is President Trump "a very sick anti-American demagogue"? And explain how "If Trump wins, we may not have the opportunity to vote--as he and Elon Musk say--ever again."? Joe, explain yourself otherwise my opinion remains that you are one of the dumbest people on the planet. I think that my real question is does it physically hurt to be so stupid?

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Mr. Klein, who was the last "sane moderate conservative" for whom you cast a vote?

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Numerous Republicans in local races--including mayor of New York. I would have voted against Jamaal Bowman this year, if he had won the primary. I probably would have voted for Jeb Bush in 2016.

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I completely agree! Defeat Trump and let's hope for a saner Republican Party. Will the Republican Party change if Trump is defeated? That is the question!

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The good news is the America first movement has taken over the Republican party and its obvious that President Trump it the best president we’ve had in our lifetime.

We’re going to re-elect him again and this time we’ll make it too big to steal.

Get ready for MAGA 2.0!

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Brilliant piece! In their zeal not to be accused of transphobia, many Democrats have taken unreasonable positions on gender affirming care, etc. The Republicans are running at least one ad against Senator Sherrod Brown's voting record on these issues. I worry about the effects these ads will have on Harris and Brown.

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Lots of things I wish the campaign would say or do. My favorite just might get to the Trumpers. The worst kid no one wanted to include in any game or contest was the "Sore Loser." Think of kids chanting to the childish rhythm of a NYC street kid: "Sore loser, sore loser; Donald is a sore loser!"

Much better than "lock him up." Record it and put it on tic toc. It'll go viral. "Sore loser, sore loser; Donald is a sore loser."

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That's super mature.

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Of course not. Mature does not impact Trumpers. They wallow in immaturity. Particularly his Permanent Immaturity (look it up).

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“October is the cruelest month of any election year.” Hunter Thompson. He’d have loved this year's presidential campaign.

Courtesy of Gabe at Wake Up To Politics.

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Nah. He would have hated it. Hunter had a great soul.

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But so much to write about, and with a fair amount of abandon.

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But he was one of the most serious people I've ever met...and a great lover of slow, deep thought...and drugs.

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