This was such a great piece - will be casting my vote for George from Hastings.

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Could not agree with you more. I have no love for AIPAC but Latimer is, in my opinion, the very model of an effective progressive public official. In a year when Ds must win, the party needs to be seen as moving more to the center, not the fringe.

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I do sincerely hope this issue doesn't come up in the debate(s) so Biden doesn't have to tie himself to the alarm-puller-who-said-he-thought-it-was-something-else guy or AIPAC.

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Off the main topic, I'm pleased you made reference to Baker's tribute to George H.W. Bush on the occasion of the latter's 100th birthday. The elder Bush wasn't perfect; who is? But OMG how he towered over his latest successors.

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In turning lemons into lemonade fashion, why not have the red inverted triangles be matched with yellow upright triangles, at the right height to make a Star of David? Color the intersections purple, so that it can be seen that they do indeed mesh, and finish up by covering it with some clear substance that is imperious to paint and rain.

Have no idea if such a proposition is possible, just that it is almost always better to be constructive than destructive.

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Right on, Joe—-correct on every point.

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