Richard Goodwin wrote a terrific memoir/history, Remembering America. Reflecting on those times and that administration, one wonders who, exactly, are the lightweights in the Biden inner circle? Surely his leaning ultra left (“progressive”) since taking office has much to do with who’s got his ear on a regular basis - as yet an untold story.

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Joe -- I know I'm supposed to be reading pieces that challenge my thinking (and I do, the WSJ for one) but I'm going to stick with Mr. Sanity Clause, where you going deeply (and in an entertaining way) where I would if I had your experience, skill and contacts.

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I agree with all you wrote about the risk posed by Trump’s second term as well as the delusional thinking of Democrats’ leadership and their media supporters. But the peril you and many fear has resulted from the dearth of younger Democrat politicians who could win the nomination and then win a national election (Gina Raimondo would be my choice as the most centrist). Perhaps Biden’s refusal to call it quits after a first term, which will be judged poorly by historians, was prompted in part (along with an undeserved self-confidence) by the weak Democratic bench.

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I just joined Substack so I could answer you and your fellow real-o (as opposed to pseudo-) intellectuals on this service. At least, when necessary. I am an avid reader of history and related social sciences, and have been since I was ten years old, so I love the big picture approach exemplified by your essays. It's not so much the opinions themselves on either side I find pernicious, but the inane and superficial treatment of all subjects, whether on TV, "documentaries," social media - to me it's all a many headed hydra of , as you so aptly indicate, a well-nigh ontological and metaphysical consumerism. Like the mythical hydra, decapitating it only makes it grow more heads. Maybe better to read well-informed commentary instead of cursing the darkness.

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Alas, alack for woe, I fear you are right on Joe. Unless inflation slows down fast, which does not appear to be happening, am fairly sure, shortly after this year has past, we have seen the last of Joe.

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