Lyndon Johnson stepped down because he saw that he had no path. Now Biden must, and for the same reason. This is no time to continue to indulge one man's vanity. It's time for finding a happy warrior and go all in.

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It is so depressing to agree with you. Up through the 2020 election, I had been an ardent cheerleader of Biden's for years. It will be dicey and tense for whatever delegation speaks with Biden and Harris. Perhaps Rep. Clyburn should also be there.

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There was no winner. America was the clear loser. These are the finest America has to offer? Shame on the Republican AND Democrat elite for putting these two geriatrics forward. Liberal Democracies are watching this charade with sadness and regret that the American political elite have bequeathed these two candidates to the world stage. The Chinese, Russians and the whole of the Islamic world are ecstatic. The rest of the world are the losers. The American people and democracies elsewhere deserve better than this. If The Democrats truly believe Trump is a threat to democracy they must act now.

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The issues go beyond the election: we’re entering 25th Amendment Territory.

If the Democratic leadership circles the wagons, future historians may view this as a “burning the Reichstag” moment.

I’m 80 - my one year advantage over Biden is irrelevant. I’m hearty and usually taken as much younger. But I recognize that when my terminal decline comes it will happen very rapidly - I see this all around me. If nominated I predict that Biden won’t be able to deliver an acceptance speech.

The Democratic mandarins are playing Russian roulette with five cylinders loaded.

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I’ve disagree with Joe on this. But I don’t now. This was beyond awful. And we just elected Trump. God know what will happen to the country

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Exactly right Joe. I think at some point in the not too distant future we will realize that Trump’s team screwed up by allowing this debate to take place before the conventions, before Biden and/or Kamala were effectively locked into the nomination.

As a Republican, I have the sick feeling that we lost the election tonight.

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Oddly, this ostensible Republican (albeit a centrist) has a very different reaction. I have the sick feeling that Trump won the election tonight. Did he lie and brag? Of course, it's what he does. But if Biden drops out where's the winner to replace him? Newsom and Harris reek of California progressivism. They will appear to offer what Biden has purported to offer, only more of it. Keep in mind the steady unpopularity of many major policies of this administration. Shapiro looks promising, but is too new. Whitmer is more promising IMHO, but she is not well known in the country at large. Oy vey!

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Democrats are guilty of political malpractice. It's on them.

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"The CNN anchors were lapidary and dreadful. They let Trump get away with murder, time after time" thanks Joe for pointing out broadcast journalism malpractice on CNN's part and a clear eyed analysis

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How did he go from a passable State of the Union speech to this?? As an old debater, the chief sin was rushing - and acting as though the winner was the guy who got in the most points offf his index cards. And it tracks with some of the appearances he made recently. I have been resistant to the “step aside” crowd, but if he cannot effectively call out the sulfurous lies of DJT, he needs to step aside for a national primary.

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For those reading this, the debate last night is over, so is the future of Joe Biden getting re-elected.

There are three scenarios that can play out.

1) The worst, in my view, Biden frees his delegates when the convention opens. At that point who ever gets the nod, has next to no time to gin up any enthusiasm. Result, Trump wins.

2) Biden does number one, but on the 4th of July. Gives a good to great speech about the future of America being more important than his own. He gracefully steps aside, America breaths a sigh of relief, and there is approximately 45 days of excitement on the Democrats side. Who will it be? Where will the debates be? Who will the moderators be? A lot of catch up quick, but the emphasis is on the new guy, and Trump can do little but tread water, the attention is elsewhere. After the convention, who knows.

3) Kamala Harris does a 25th Amendment run. Gets the Congress and the Administration to agree, that Joe is past his prime. She then declares, she will not be a candidate for the Presidency, and will not accept it, if offered. Sherman's words still have merit. At that point it goes back to post 4th of July in part two, but with less than a week of added time for the tryouts.

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I love the July 4 idea. Been thinking about something like that myself. Thanks!

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Thank You.

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