Great idea. Also, to further discombobulate DJT, at various times during the debate Biden should glance behind Trump and just say "Sharks."

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Love the condolence idea Joe, even if I agree with you that it would be a long shot. The first person to exhibit real humanity and decency wins this debate, if not the election. Take the under on those occurring tonight.

Also agree with you and the Congressman about Trump's threat to end democracy just election year fear mongering. I worry much more about the left, with their "the ends justifies the means" mindset to defeat Trump/Republicans. Examples? The nefarious Russian collusion hoax, the "dirty 51" Hunter laptop letter pre-election dirty trick (that we now know CIA director Gina Haspel and NID James Clapper blessed), the various Lawfare cases, and the powerful Administration effort to coerce social media to censor. Burning the village down to save it.

Even if he had the idea, Trump's managerial skills couldn't organize a breakfast meeting, much less a sophisticated coup. His enemies give him way too much credit, although I strongly suspect that they know better but find it useful for crass political reasons. Beats talking about your record.

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Mostly agree. But the Russians really were helping Trump in 2016--he didn't have to collude, they were doing it. (Boy, did Rachel Maddow oversell the collusion story.) And the one lawfare case that matters is the one being held up by the Supreme Court now: he really did try to overthrow the 2020 election via the fake electors scheme.

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My big concern as environmentalist first and foremost is the impact on climate change. The US lost eight precious years in the effort to roll out green technologies thanks to - the Green Party with their indulgent support of Ralph Nader. After a nice recovery under Barack Obama we lost another four years thanks to - the Green Party with their idiotic campaign for Jill Stein. Many are the ways in which the Left have contributed to the downfall of this nation and the destruction of this planet. but these remain their signature achievements. I am not sure President Raimondo will be able to lead a third recovery.

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Agree 45 is more the grifter than dictator who will plunder his way through another term and do great damage His is the GOP agenda (with or without him) which is to demonize government so that it won't work except in the service to the Musks and Bezos of the world.

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