I’m 78. I can relate to the “Red Zone” as well! Scott has little chance in competing with Trump! Too many cult members live in the MAGA Bubble! Just hoping that’s not enough for Trump in the general election! Thanks Joe! Longtime fan!

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Thanks for mentioning Kareem's newsletter. I just started reading it myself a few months ago, and I kick myself for all I've missed by not having that in my life sooner. If you haven't read him, you will find that he is many times as amazing as you ever thought he was. To think: this was the guy we watched throwing up baby hooks and mugging on Airplane! Just Amazing.

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Love your stuff Joe but take a breath on Tim Scott. Yes an alternative to the MAGA lane, but his comment on race “my existence makes (the Left) irrelevant”, is Horatio Alger bullshit.

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I think he makes a lot of sense on cultural issues. His existence may not make the left irrelevant; the left does an excellent job of making itself irrelevant--especially when it comes to its positions on school choice and crime. Thanks for your comment, though. I appreciate the debate.

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Great column. Very juicy and newsworthy

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