I'm not a physician and I don't know Joe Biden, but if he performed the way he did at the debate, he is without a doubt incompetent some of the time. Being O.K. most of the time is not good enough for the president of the United States. For whatever reason, Joe Biden turned in that gobsmackingly terrible debate performance; what if he was in a similar mental state when an emergency struck the country? But - and here is the difficult part - what if he steps down and his replacement loses to Trump? It is an impossibly difficult situation. I do not, however, think that the future of the country should be in the unelected hands of Jill and Hunter Biden.

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Believe it was Toynbee who said: "Civilizations are not murdered, they die by suicide.".

This is where the Democrats are, Biden's pride can and will sink them in the November election. Not just the Presidency, but anywhere from two to five Senate seats, that otherwise should be safe, they have already lost West Virginia's, to be down one and a 50-50 Senate. If the people are really mad, look for a solid Republican House, without a wafer thin majority. The people will feel betrayed, not the progressives, the voters doing it are deplorables, what can one expect of them? Democrats who treat any person, let alone groups, with that attitude are little better than the KKK, the Nazi Party, and the Soviets who ran the USSR. One doesn't treat people, any one, like that. Ostriches is a very nice euphemism for just where they are sticking their heads.

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Biden’s performances in the past were kinda marginal but within the realm of acceptability, with a one off whopper here and there that could be written off as a mental lapse or two of which we are all capable. At the debate, he needed to prove that the needle was pointing either up (“finding his voice”) or at least level to the SOTU speech. The fact that he was demonstrably worse is the problem - putting me and millions of others who assured others that “he’ll be okay” in an indefensible position. As goes David Remnick so goes the world? Here’s hoping Ron Klein and Jim Donalin can come through for the US and the world.

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Biden will speak tonight. If he does not go after the Court full bore (1) he should quit (2) we will lose the election

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Bo, Biden spoke for four minutes. A good statement but hardly full bore. Sure as hell didn’t make up for last Thursday night. The country is heading toward a fatal plunge, and way too few are doing anything about it. To think our future is being determined by Hunter Biden’s counsel to his father makes me want to puke.

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I agree he did not make up for the Thursday disaster. And reality is that if he doesn’t quit on his own, no one is going to force him out. My point is different. Whoever runs now this campaign has to change - it has to be meaner and more direct. And there has to be an effort that is public to make it a national front . If D’s do not win (and neither you nor I are deeply enthralled by the D’s) the country will break apart. My real anger is that the entire political class from right of center to far left did not recognize real danger 4 years ago. On the Biden talk itself, it was certainly the most direct shot at the court taken by a president simce maybe FDR 88 years ago and probably ever

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Joe— A mutual friend who knows Brett Kavanaugh socially says “He’s Karl Rove with a law degree.”

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