Oct 9, 2023Liked by Joe Klein

Sorry, but I have soured on the two-state solution (not that I feel the status quo is all that much better.)

Until the advent of a Palestinian Martin Luther King-like figure, why should Israel take the risk of allowing a Hamasistan to exist on their border?

I would love to see a moderate, peace-loving Palestinian leader rise and establish a following -- a founding father type -- but instead we have Hamas and an elderly Jew-hater who denies the Holocaust and has shirked elections for almost 20 years.

Time for the Palestinians to step up and show they want peace.

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Time for them all, to listen to someone younger than themselves.

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I have less hope than you: a 2-state solution will not, and was never going to work. Palestinians continually shy away from the table when it comes to talking. No other country besides Jordan will take them. There is reason for that. Their historical hatred has reached psychotic levels in which "alternative facts" and gaslighting the world are okay. Time to end this.

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The depressing reality is this--the Palestinians have zero leadership that isn’t militant but walling off Gaza and treating the West Bank as land to be taken by settlers pushes people toward militancy. Until Israel is able to somehow work with other Arab states to create a society in the West Bank and Gaza, a society where a person can go to school, get a job, raise a family, and travel without a slew of obstacles and barriers, none of this will end. Israel has no good partners in Palestine and the normal 95% of Palestinians will now suffer for the terrorism of Hamas.

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As with all complex issues, precision is needed : the Palestinians are not Hamas; the state of Israel is not the Netanyahu government (and neither are “the Jews”). The Israelis face the challenging task of destroying Hamas without killing too many Gazans - and giving rise to a whole new generation of sworn enemies. Then they have to turn and recognize that their indulgence of the West Bank settlers puts all of them at risk, that these fanatics have to be reined in if peace is ever to be realized. The next generation of Israelis and Palestinians need the current generation to be grown ups, emerging from the cynicism that has led to the current impasse.

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I think, having been provoked by Netanyahu and tRump’s US Embassy fiasco, we should offer an olive branch: Move the US Embassy back and apologize. Of course, that is no consolation after Netanyahu ordered soldiers to gun down unarmed protestors--but that is the least we could do.

Here at home, we should make Schumer answer to his role, since he stood by P1135809, the Kushners and the corrupt, also indicted Netanyahu.

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Touching, well written article. Thank you.

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wonderful piece.

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Excellent piece. Thank you.

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