I’m not sure how you could be so clueless. Have you ever met a Republican? Thinking that we resent 50 years of assimilation is absurd. Most of us have grandparents who were discriminated against because they were Italian, Irish, Jewish, or some other once-shunned group. (For me those were my grandparents.). We are thrilled to see ambitious, hardworking Americans of any background welcomed and successful

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Good point and thanks for your comment. I was thinking of the white nationalist wing of the coalition. You've got to admit that a fairly big slice of the Trump coalition would have been opposed to our grandparents entering the country 100 years ago.

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How can you possibly know this? Have you conducted nationwide surveys? Do you even personally know any Trump voters? This conclusion seems more like the kind of evidence-avoidant tribalism, motivated by wishful thinking, that passes for a lot of supposed political analysis these days.

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You'll find that every assertation he makes about Trump or his supporters is conveniently citation free. The blog is called "sanity clause" but i think its' supposed to be ironic because it's clearly a political neurosis journal.

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deletedJan 23·edited Jan 23
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Jan 23·edited Jan 24

The ability properly diagnose the obvious Democratic degeneracy is not an excuse for propagating lazy, dehumanizing, condescending caricatures of Trump and his supporters. It gives off billionaire mistreating McDonalds cashier vibes that I find gross. whatever credit he gets for not being a full blown partisan hack is offset by this callousness for me.

I have no problem with (real, non logic fallacy) criticism of Trump - but I don't think he's the wrong person. There is a staggering lack of diversity of thought in ALL of our institutions, and it's hurting the country's ability to address its problems in a timely fashion. Without Trump, when exactly would the border issue have been front and center? Would anyone ever question the continued usefulness of NATO, and whether it's being funded the way it should? when would we get new eyes on our peace efforts in the middle east? Who else would put the breaks on the coming austerity pushes the Dems will pursue in the name of Climate change. The Dems must be defeated until they ditch being the party of luxury belief platforms.

I also think Trump is the correct person to be POTUS. his temperament is well suited for the Presidency, whos primary role is foreign relations where we MUST always win/act in our own interest. I think he SHOULD be trying to wield his power maximally - that's why we have the separation of powers. The problem is that Congress is a steaming, dysfunctional, cesspool that refuses to do its job making the presidency more consequential than it should be. Trump is not the problem here. The bad-faith, coverage of him is.

I don't care about party labels. I think Doug Bergum would have been a good candidate, because his background is not just politics, but he's solved problems in the real world, but i think he was correct to endorse Trump. He is the best candidate this on offer at the moment. Presidents should be former CEOs of multinationals or Generals/admirals - demonstrated administrators/negotiators that DO NOT THINK LIKE THE POLS. The executive branch and Congress should not be melded at the hip by Party. I don't even like POTUS coming from political parties but I can't do anything about that. The lifelong politicians belong in congress, where again - they should be doing their job.

I don't know what "Argentina with nukes" means. From what I understand, they just elected someone who is pretty based so maybe you should be happy that we did this before everything really went to shit here as well.


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"The lifelong politicians belong in congress"

Nope, not even there.

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deletedJan 24·edited Jan 24
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White nationalist has become a meaningless term now. It is so overused. Everyone who disagrees with Democrats identity and intersectionality politics is now a white nationalist. Including us brownies!

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"You've got to admit that a fairly big slice of the Trump coalition would have been opposed to our grandparents entering the country 100 years ago." Joe, with all due respect, that is utter nonsense! As Mike says above, "We are thrilled to see ambitious, hardworking Americans of any background welcomed and successful". Explain to me what is so bad about legal immigration, and how favoring that make one a "white nationalist". Holy MSNBC, Batman!

All said though - an excellent, thought provoking piece I am sharing with D's, R's and I's alike.

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Given the changing economic landscape that is moving in the direction of high tech like AI, robotics, and automation, it seems unrealistic not to favor those with skills and education that are a good fit for our economy's trajectory. Otherwise, continuing to allow in those who are low skilled/poorly educated (based on what was most appropriate for an American economy of past decades) for an economy that increasingly has few jobs for them does both them and our nation a disservice. Canada, Australia, and other nations have redesigned their immigration policies to reflect the economic realities of the 21st century and the USA should do likewise.

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I never once heard my grandparents complain about discrimination although they were poor…I guess that they were too busy working.

You have to get out more Joe and talk to working class people

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It's actually a very small slice that would have been opposed, due to bigotry, of our grandparents entering the country. How many Trump supporters/pro-USA supporters do you intimately know? The thing with the large immigration from 100 years ago is that it was often chaotic and unlawful (people hidden on ships or in carriages and later, trucks). Ellis Island got established and had strict guidelines for entry and assimilation into the USA "melting pot" was a given, due to civic pressure and the government didn't have all forms or correspondence written in Italian, German, French etc. The USA is a nation built on an idea and principles/laws, not on "identities" or "ethnicities". The country is falling apart because identities and ethnicities have been emphasized and pushed, well above our ideals and principles/laws (overwhelmingly by Democrats).

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Where you been all my life 😇

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I am a Republican - a Treasurer of our Republican Town Committee no less - I have NEVER met a 'white nationalist' nor do I know of anyone who ever has. Please tell us where we can find these rare creatures.

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I don't even know what one is, and I don't think they do either, but it sounds scary! And that's the point.

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There is no white nationalist wing of the Republican Party; there is, however, a very large nihilist wing of the Democratic Party who want to undo Western Civilization and the liberty that it entails. You are delusional about Republicans being racists.

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There is no “White Nationalist” wing of the Republican Party, Joe. Just people who don’t believe that certain groups are perennially abused and are only represented by the Democratic Party.

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I think a slice of that "white nationalist" group is probably sick and tired of being called "racist" because their skin is white. Kendi, Mystal and Jones absolutely do this. You know they do.

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Yes, he sounds like he gets all of his ideas of what the "right wing" is like from his tv. Get out into the U.S. and meet some actual right wingers, for God's sake. They're not the caricatures on tv, and they have mixed-background families. I'm so tired of this mindset.

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Mike you took the words right out of my thoughts! Joe, your analysis of the Democrats is spot on. You have badly missed the mark on the other side. Every thought leader on the conservative side emphasizes that America should be proud of the progress we have made in race relations (though we can and will continue to improve) and not keep harping on and pretending that the situation today is no better than the Jim Crow years or even earlier.

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Ever wonder why the words "Jim Crow" are never predicated with the adjective "Democrats' "? Why do Republicans miss this opportunity every single time its brought up? Maybe because the Uniparty has been a thing for longer than we want to admit?

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The parties are more divided than ever, due to the Democrats/leftists going so far left. And the reason why it's not "Democrat Jim Crows" in our conversations is because the MSM has been taken over by Democrats for at least half a century, if not more, so they set the tone/language.

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Thanks Cat, I was being rhetorical, you know like the deplorable extreme right-winger that I am, showing up to work everyday, paying taxes to help launder the 34 trillion in debt we have created by printing dollars to save the world from a lab created virus that is defeated with horse paste....oops I did it again.

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Thank you for your rebuttal, Mike. Again, Republicans are depicted as knuckle-dragging reprobates, busily ironing the sheets we keep in our closets as a reminder of "the good old days." So now we're all "blue collar white nationalists." To me, and plenty of my friends with degrees, this comes as a huge surprise. Democrats are terrified of looking around and facing the truth: people of all walks of life, all religions, all educated classes, all skin colors, are fed up with the insanity rampaging through this country and we want it to end. Go ahead and call us names -- we're coming for you at the ballot box to end this madness. Call THAT whatever you want.

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I agree that you are not all “blue collar white nationalists”. You are not all blue collar - my millionaire brother and his multimillionaire friends were generally for Trump at least in 2016. Now that they have their tax cut, they are increasingly appalled at his clearly deteriorating brain. You are not all white- we are well aware there are blacks, Hispanics and Asians in the MAGA fold. As with the white members of the MAGA coalition, one wonders what happened to some of these folks. Finally, you are not really nationalist as a central tenet of the MAGA movement seems to be capitulation to the nations of Russia and China, the destruction of NATO, and contempt for the military. It is actually the “surrender monkey” element of the Trump agenda that I find most appalling and which, I believe, will contribute the most to the movement’s demise.

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Spoken like a true neocon. Are the Afghanistan withdrawal, and pushing Israel to cease fire while Hamas is still in power examples of this surrender monkey agenda? Or perhaps letting our ambassador be assassinated in Libya, or turning a blind eye to Iran crushing the democracy movement in 2009? I struggle to recall examples from 2017-2020 though.

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This is one of the most insightful articles I’ve read about the election and the political state of our country. Absolutely brilliant work!

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Becoming self aware is usually mundane, except for the individual who finally realizes they have been the problem and not everyone else. Congrats on your awakening...baby steps

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Is that addressed to me?

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I doubt it.

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Truth yo. These left wing crackers just don’t get it.

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“His excellent foreign policy has been too subtle to be appreciated”. You’ve got to be kidding!

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That was a stunner

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Allow me to retort. On Ukraine, Biden has assembled an effective coalition that has kept the freedom and sovreignty of the Ukrainian people intact. Thanks to the Republicans, 20 nations have now contributed more of their GNP than we have, but we are still the essential element. Trump would have cheered Putin on. On Gaza, the fact that Biden has been attacked in equal measure from the right and left is a pretty good sign he has more or less got it right. The world is cheering for Biden to win this election, there is reason for that.

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Allow me to retort your retort. Zelenskyy assembled the coalition, not Biden. Biden completely screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal resulting in 13 service members needlessly killed. Putin attacked sovereign countries during the Obama and Biden terms, he did not during Trumps, so your “Trump would have cheered Putin on” comment is nothing more than gaslighting. Biden has been all over the place on the middle east. Trump got the Abraham accords started and Biden ran away from them and gave billions to Iran, just like Obama. Biden is backtracking on Israel defending itself, has given billions in gaza “aid” that everyone knows hamas will use re-arm and China and North Korea are getting more and more belligerent. Trying to change the narrative and gaslighting is not a retort.

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If I remember, 1st thing FJB tried in Uke war was to fly Zelenskyy out of there.

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Let me guess—you supported the Iraq War. Sorry we haven’t invaded more countries the last several years…I know how much joy sending others to slaughter innocent Muslims brought to your life.

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Introducing a straw man into your comment to try and discredit me…typical counterpoint for a person with no actual ability to refute my statement.

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Biden's subtlety is lost on every American except leftist reporters who all think Washington DC is a real place. Biden is a self-admiring mediocre fool, and always has been - booted out of Democrat Presidential politics TWICE for plagiarism. He's a sexual deviant who cannot stop himself fondling little children, a liar, and a corrupt thief who has helped himself to $50,000,000 of Chinese bribe money.

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…and those are his good qualities…

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The Economy is growing at 3.3%

Unemployment, below 4%, is at a 50 year low.

The stock market is at an all time high

Inflation has slowed, gas is lower than it was at the beginning of Trump’s presidency in real terms.

We are making progress in the effort to avoid climate disaster, although thanks to Republicans, there will be permanent damage at this point.

Your candidate has been found guilty of sexual assault, not Biden.

The accusation of $50 million is completely unfounded.

The MAGA movement’s aversion to essential economic facts is a major reason the red states -and red counties- are poorer than the others and will continue to be until they change.

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Permanent damage from the "climate disaster." Get out of here Curtis, I don't hear you unless you knock.

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Unemployment in 2023 was as low as it was in 2000 and 2019, both immediately before recessions and market crashes. Let's see how that's going in ten months.

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Agree except for the "fondling little children" - it could be that with all the tragedy in his life, he longs for young children in his life, like when his kids were young. I will say that if that's the case, he has little self control, because he should moderate his actions that are built on those feelings!

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I guess that’s why he showered with his daughter till puberty.

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I will compare Biden’s self control with Trump’s any day of the week. And you wonder why you people are not taken seriously.

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I have voted for Democrats my entire life. In 2020, I voted for Biden. Today Biden spends billions of taxpayer dollars to protect the borders of Ukraine and Israel while our own southern border is wide open. He supports discrimination against whites and Asians in the name of

"equity". He believes that people can actually change their biological sex.

That men belong in women's sports and locker rooms and that children should be sterilized to attain the unattainable.

Is he mentally fit to be president?

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Friendly reminder: Trump is not running on any of that stuff.

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Of course he is.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 23

What I mean is, he is NOT running on keeping the southern border open. He does NOT subscribe to people being able to change their sex (yet - the transhumanists will win in the end) or that men belong in women's sports and locker rooms and that children should be sterilized to attain the unattainable.

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Go you. 👍

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Ya lost me at Biden's...."excellent foreign policy.." and "He is powerless...to deal with the southern border...". Ummm..news flash...Biden's "excellent foreign policy" has us in two new wars and on the verge a very large middle eastern conflict. And...Biden single handedly created the mess at the southern border. You showed your true far left progressive colors I'm afraid.

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You lost me at "has us in two new wars." We're not "in" Ukraine...no troops, just materiel--and a united front among our expanded NATO allies, to block Putin. We're not "in" Gaza, either--but a well-modulated effort to support and restrain our friend, Israel. We may be "in" the Persian Gulf, but in a very limited fashion--no troops--and the protection of trade routes are a historic obligation, if we want to keep prices reasonable. And if you think I have "far left progressive colors" after reading this piece, you should get your eyes checked. But you really don't, do you? You're just blathering and making a fool of yourself.

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$100B with another $61B requested, munitions supplies now low, and Biden family corruption in Ukraine—-that’s “in.” And two carrier groups in the Middle East with daily missile exchanges—that’s “in.” Don’t be a lying putz.

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That is power projection…not war. Clinton enforced the no fly zone over Iraq with military force all the while decreasing defense spending. Bush invaded Iraq while jacking up defense spending. Do you understand the difference??

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Sorry you lost me at "We're not "in" Ukraine...I had flashbacks of "depends on your definition of "is" IS....sorry you were talking about the 34 trillion in debt...oh wait you weren't...you trying to run from your Leftism...LOL

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

"As long as we don't have troops on the ground, We're not at war"

- Joe Klein

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There are a small number of troops in Ukraine to "advise" the Ukrainians. Did you know we and they have lost track of the billions we sent them?

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Hi Joe. You have my respect as a wonderful writer. Despite my writ street sense of sense of humor, I respectfully disagree.

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Never underestimate the ability of a Democrat to lie their butts off

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Dear Democrats,

Identity politics was your downfall. In making every group victims and then pandering to them for votes with tax dollars, you lost equality which was a defining principle of America. In permitting Joe and Hunter Biden to take foreign money, you lost fairness. In supporting Ukraine while ignoring the US border, you lost credibility. And in appointing only black females to the SCOTUS, VP, and Harvard presidency, you stoked anti-black racism by actually being racist and sexist. Trump will succeed Biden and reverse his orders and policies. Then what?

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Dear Fake American, your post is full of lies and right-wing propaganda. You are a racist.

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Biden actually SAID he was picking these positions (except for Harvard pres) by singularly considering sex and race!!! THAT IS racism and sexism and bigotry!! HELLO!! Should a pilot be selected ONLY by sex and race? No and I think you'd agree. Either Biden doesn't think VP and SCOTUS justice is a very important or complicated job and has no respect for them, or he is the bigoted one.

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deletedJan 23
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Just call him Dick, for short

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. . . but not for long.

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It's not about intimidation but exposure of racism wherever we see it. You can continue to deny it, but you're on the losing side of history and headed in the wrong direction.

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You have exposed yourself. If you vote democrat, you believe blacks aren't smart enough to get an ID, there are too many Asians and whites in college, that men can be women, that Hispanics support a border invasion, that babies aren't human until after the 9th month of pregnancy, and that Israel is a genocidal state. These are the positions of a plurality and/or majority of your party. These are the policies you support.

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KABOOM.....I was told there wouldn't be any nuclear explosions here..."Nick's your buddy. Nick's the kind of guy you can trust, the kind of guy you can drink a beer with, the kind of guy who doesn't mind if you puke in his car, Nick! ...You da man Nick!

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You wingnut. I don't believe in any of that and neither do Democrats. You're just lying. Maybe get off of right-wing propaganda media and educate yourself. Try talking to a Black or an Asian person and maybe a woman who has a stillborn baby, dead already inside, who is being made by the state to carry it to full term. That'll help as well.

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Lol. These are the policies and policy defenses of the democratic party. You can deny them all that you want. BTW, my wife is Asian. We had those issues. Democrats support abortion up to and past birth. These the policies they vote for, defend and use to oppose thoughtful legislation on all of these issues. You can attempt to ignore it, but America is learning quickly under this administration just how extreme Democrats are.

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As for the woman, this was one incident that was really bad and NOT according to the law. And it didn't even happen in the way you say. The law is what matters and the law DOESN'T SAY that a woman with a stillborn baby needs to carry it to term.

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Read my comment above. For Biden to choose a VP and SCOTUS justice singularly (and he said this was the case) by sex and race IS racism and sexism!! So, Biden is on the losing side of history!

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Are you the arbiter of racism?

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Hi Richard. Or Dick. But I truly and sincerely wish you no harm and I forward you respect all kidding aside

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deletedJan 23
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I almost spit out my coffee at the suggestion that it is the Democrats that were responsible for, I think it was termed, the "great assimilation." This is one of those lies that liberals tell themselves. There were still segregationists in the Senate until the late 1980's. Democrats they were, whom Joe Biden liked to pal around with because they didn't call him "boy."

The NRA was protecting the right of black Americans to own guns for self protection when Democrats were still riding around in white hoods.

My ancestors include unions soldiers, a Republican VP, and a man who housed a stop on the Underground Railroad. All Republicans, which tradition has been handed down to me, and I was taught from a very young age to judge people, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Republicans have held to the same principles since inception, supporting the individual rights of Americans, based not only in the Constitution, but in the acknowledgement of universal human rights.

Republicans aren't perfect, obviously, no one person or group ever is or will be, but the morality play that leftists imagine to keep themselves on top bears no resemblance to reality.

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Georgia, I agree wholeheartedly with your post except to correct the use of the word " liberal"...the word I think you meant is Leftist, there is nothing liberal about anything the Democratic party has ever stood for. Pretending to be a "liberal" doesn't mean you actually are one. I am a right winger and proud of it, also liberal. One can be for protecting the rights of the individual to do whatever they like, as long as they take responsibility for their actions if they infringe the rights of another. Conservatives can be leftist in their policy by infringing on the rights of others that they think should be denied the right to be left alone or to non conform. So much conflation over the reality of truth and the definitions of words these days.

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I stand corrected, I should be precise.

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Weird how the 'extremists' on the right can be persuaded with reason and logic via cogent argument to accept constructive criticism without needing a safe space. Bravo Us.

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I really don’t recognize the Republican Party Klein paints, a party focused on its whiteness. Is he projecting the Democrats obsession with skin color onto Republicans? Sure, the party has its nuts like the Dems have the squad, but the vast majority of republicans don’t give a shit what your skin color is. But the Dems will perpetually use the race card. If black Americans start voting in what they believe in - school choice in particular - the Democrats would be electoral toast.

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Labeling Republicans as white male supremacists permits cancellation without debate. Think Salem witch trials. Works every time.

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Nonsense. Such Tomfoolery.

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A generally reasonable piece. One quibble--no not a quibble at all--the writer needs to get out and actually meet some of those "white wing" racist Trump-working-class-voters he imagines. My very middling neighborhood in Florida is full of conservative blacks, crackers, asians, non-Democrat immigrants, white retirees and other deplorables. They mostly vote Trump--and you know what? There are more interracial couples and children here than I ever saw in Boston, Portland, NYC, Massachusetts in general--all places I lived in or went to regularly. In fact, the interracial couples I have gotten to know here are often more conservative than you can imagine. They hate crime, they hate "Affirmative Action", they hate being forced to choose a side based on the color of...who?

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Color was Obama’s deal and he played America like a fiddle. But, it’s no way to run a country. Only equality can run a multicultural collection of immigrants. Only meritocracy can survive criticism. And only capitalism can provide widespread opportunity.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Amen. But with added old-fashioned respect, empathy, lending a helping hand to those who need some encouragement and growth, etc. People laugh at the old shows "Leave it to Beaver" and "The Donna Reed Show" (and others), but especially the later, got into topics such as drunkenness, not judging people by the "class" they are in, sexism (Wally was made fun of, because his girlfriend drove him to a party - he told them to shut up), bullying, getting along with neighbors who are from south of the border, etc.

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Been there done that...for 40 years as a journalist, including frequent road trips across the country. I know those folks well and respect them, and feel sad that they've been hoodwinked by an authoritarian. (I've known him for 40 years, too). Thanks for your comment.

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Hoodwinked? In what way? Please try not to be just another MSNBC propagandist and actually use an example of authoritarianism that Trump instituted, in the four years he "ruled"...I'll wait.

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anyone else curious to know what this guy's definition of "authoritarian" and "known this guy for 40 years" are?

I can't find any longstanding series of Joe Klein interviews going back to the 80s - Maybe he stayed at a Trump Hotel a few times? musta been Nice!!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I think you miss how left wing hatred has driven these folks to the only one who calls BS. I know my 2 Ivy degrees are supposed to make me timid and spineless. But when I'm labeled racist for believing in low taxes and deplorable because I don't think my AR15 is a threat to society, my political reaction finds that the enemy of my enemy is the only friend I have in politics. I back Trump because of who opposes him.

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We are not hoodwinked. So far, Trump stayed within the law. BIDEN HAS NOT - he has defied SCOTUS' ruling on "Remain in Mexico" that he continue it all along the border and only did it at one port of entry and only for a short time (I wish Republicans took him to court AGAIN), and he defied SCOTUS' ruling on him NOT being able to cancel student loan debt. That's just an example.

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So the people with an ideology that changes daily among people obsessed with race are awesome and the people with a coherent ideology are evil.

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Just for the record, the "fake electors" strategy which you put at the center of Trump's supposed attempt to overturn the election was pioneered in 1960 by the JFK campaign. Hawaii was very close that year, so close the results were reversed by a recount. The Democrats certified alternate electors as part of a ligation strategy to avoid having their planned lawsuit declared moot. Sound familiar. Neither in 1960 nor in 2020 was there any attempt to fool anyone. In both cases, it was a legal strategy to set up a court challenge. In the event, the recount changed the outcome and Hawaii was not needed on a national scale because fraud in TX and IL was sufficient to settle the election without Hawaii. I am shocked you did not know this.

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Also, in the runup to the 2020 election, Democrat strategists led by John Podesta wargamed the legal recourse in case they lost, and one of the strategies they settled on involved exactly the same alternate slate of electors scheme that are now called "fake electors". Also, did everyone on the left forget in 2016 when all sorts of celebrities were begging state electors to vote against the results of their state in order to elect Hillary?

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Something tells me that if the South had contested the 1860 election by trying to introduce alternate slates of electors for John Breckenridge instead of Lincoln — instead of, you know, writing a new constitution and going to war with the US military — the 14th Amendment probably wouldn’t include that insurrection clause in the first place. Maybe Trump was trying to cheat, but he was doing so within the system, not burning it all down and starting over, and legally, that makes all the difference.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I don't think Trump was trying to cheat, he was trying to expose and undo the cheating that had happened. All mail-in voting wasn't even acknowledged as legit by world governing bodies before 2020! Georgia would've been won by Trump in 2020, if it wasn't for the unlawfully counted approximate 20,000 ballots, which True the Vote found (they also found another 30,000 which haven't been verified as fraudulent). A judge recently ruled in their favor in a lawsuit brought by Democrats, accusing True the Vote was lying about the votes being unlawful/fraudulent.

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I’m pretty sure that Trump was trying to stay president, and wasn’t all that concerned about whether it was cheating or not cheating, just whether or not what he was doing was technically illegal (which it wasn’t). I’m pretty sure that this is the exact same attitude that Biden and his followers took as well. But I envy your version of reality, where one side is Good and the other side is Bad, and they’re not all just a bunch of amoral sociopaths who would do and say anything to stay in power.

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Georgia would've been won by Trump in 2020, if it wasn't for the unlawfully counted approximate 20,000 ballots, which True the Vote found (they also found another 30,000 which haven't been verified as fraudulent). A judge recently ruled in their favor in a lawsuit brought by Democrats, accusing True the Vote was lying about the votes being unlawful/fraudulent.

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Also true in AZ except in was the McCainiacs doing the cheating.

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AZ seems to be a "cheating" state - they found Dems cheating too.

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Yeah that was close, so close they changed the law that Trump was going along with as he was destroying "democracy" with an insurrection to follow the law on the books. It wasn't a strategy, it was the law that the entire media cabal lied about. Maybe you should research who the Jacobins were, eh?

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

And Georgia would've been won by Trump in 2020, if it wasn't for the unlawfully counted approximate 20,000 ballots (which True the Vote found; they also found another 30,000 which haven't been verified as fraudulent). A judge recently ruled in their favor in a lawsuit brought by Democrats, accusing True the Vote was lying about the votes being unlawful/fraudulent.

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This is a concise, penetrating look into the fractured, incoherent, illiberal, suicidal politics of the Democratic Party, which will condemn us to a restoration of Donald Trump.

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Condemn, or bless. Looks like more than half the nation thinks Trump's return would be a blessing.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I sure do.

Over and over Joe's posts and these comments repeat that "Dems are clearly terrible for the county, So terrible that the country will commit suicide (in their deranged view) with Trump" and then somehow pretzel themselves into thinking Trump is worse. IF YOU WOULD RATHER KILL YOURSELF THAN GO THROUGH 'X' - 'X' IS CLEARLY WORSE.

TDS is worse than COVID I swear.

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If you feel condemned to a Trump Presidency, then you deserve it. Hope you're prepared.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Condemnation and liberation. Life was very hard, yet also very good in the mid to late 1700's into the mid 1800's due to the condemnation of revolution (against the British crown) and the liberation of God's created humans (by way of winning independence from the British crown's tyranny).

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

How does anybody pay for this opinion? Seriously Joe, your utter ignorance of the definition of the "right" is that of a true Leftist.

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Of which "excellent foreign policy" do you speak? Enquiring minds would like to know

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

The author laments the untruthfulness and ineffectiveness of the Democrats' identity strategy then tees up one that targets their caricature of their opponents:

"[T]heir white-wing populist base believes the assimilation of the past 50 years is the very opposite of progress."

Going with "deplorables" again? How'd that work last time?

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Maybe, just maybe your party is the one who championed slavery and still to this day doesn't quite view blacks as people, but as cattle to be harvested for votes and power. Maybe, just maybe it's the Democrats who fight against the melting pot in favor of race agitation and Balkanization. Maybe, just maybe it's the Democrat party thinks the ends justify the means when holding on to power at any cost, including REAL violence in the streets.

Oh my goodness, the arrogance and lack of critical reasoning is astounding!

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