Damn, I love those liberal euphemisms! "Romantic relationship" indeed.

Willie Brown is both a brilliant politician and blazingly corrupt. You're right he's never been convicted. but several off his proteges have been for doing his bidding. Dude is still around, 90 years old and shacked up with a tall blonde babe perhaps 30-40 years his junior. Oh, and by the way, whereas Kamala was single when she was romping with him, Willie was then and still is married. Dude makes Trump look like a monk.

Love also how you Easterners cover California politics. A lot of you seem to think both Kamala and Boy Gavin Newsom would make swell Presidents. Kamala has shown conclusively that she can't win (see 2020 primaries) and Gavin is worse, a pretty boy beholden to Willie and owned by the Getty family. Good thing it's so nice out here, our state government is a mess. Republicans are absent or bonkers (see Kevin McCarthy) while Dems are woke zombies.

Still love your stuff, you're my fave on Substack

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For the record, my brother (in California) is currently hanging out with a beautiful tall blonde 25 years his junior - it’s not a crime. Fun fact: when he and Gavin were both on the market (post divorce) in the Bay Area, they wound up dating a few of the same gals. I agree that Newsom is over praised and over ambitious - he should stick to governing his very challenging state and build a track record he can brag about. Harris, for her part, has been perfectly acceptable as Vice President and can serve as a marketable vehicle to the very serious threat that The MAGA movement poses.

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Congratulations and best wishes to your brother. I’m envious. Yes I know “It’s not a crime”, DUH, but Willie has had dozens if not hundreds of women like Kamala, it’s his style and one of the reasons he could only get elected in San Francisco.. I certainly don’t much give a shit one way or the other but the point is this isn’t going to play very well in Peoria or hundreds of other places. I think Kamala proved fairly conclusively in the primaries that she can’t get elected. Also don’t think she’d be good on thye job but that’s just my opinion.

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Against John McCain, I’d agree with yo. Against Mitt Romney, I’d agree with you. Against either of the Bush brothers, I’d agree with you that these issues would be problematic. But surely the truly deplorable character that the GOP has put forward is far worse. Don’t get me wrong, I want a national primary among a number of nominees - and if Kamala wins, so be it. But even an anointed Kamala is better than the truly appalling alternative.

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I suppose we’ll find out. This new Alzheimer doctor revelation may be the thing that pushes Joe over the edge and if he goes the Dems will likely pick Kamala. In that case I will bet on Agent Orange and buckle down for a rough ride.

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Is there any reason to believe that Kimberly Guilfoyle would spill the beans on Newsome if there is any juicey gossip? The only thing I know is the bear rug photo.

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I don’t think many people think Kimberly is worth listening to. I certainly don’t

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I don’t think many people find Kimberly worth listening tp. I certainly don’t

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Thanks for giving a deeper and better read of Willie's and Kamala's relationship, than I would have. Born in San Francisco and lived most of my life in either there, Marin, or Sonoma Counties. Her past, and Willies have not been lost on me. The difference is, Willie is effective.

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"...with some good people like Javad Zarif, a member of Iran’s minuscule official Sanity Caucus."

Seriously? Well I guess "there's good people on both sides."

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I know the guy. He helped get me into Iran the first time, when he was UN. Ambassador. He was under house arrest by the bad guys for years.

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Biggest takeout of the UK election for me is the positive tone of the party leaders, for their country and each other, and the seamless transition of power unquestioning of legitimacy. Illustrative of what democracy is supposed to be about.

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I know Rishi Senak was not perfect but one looks at the choice the British voters had (and, yes, the civil tone) and compare it to the choice we are currently facing and one wants to cry. 😢 the Parliamentary system does have its strong points.

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Also the diversity of the top echelons of the Conservative Party in the UK is stunning and uncommented upon. Imagine if it were the Labor side? It would be endlessly put forward as a hugely significant step forward for society. Because they are conservative... near silence.

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Needed the comments to understand the Willie Brown reference. Interesting post spending more time on Trump than Biden. This is what I expect if we stick with Biden or after Biden is dumped but not in the middle of the wash cycle.

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to continue your title heading, ... after all these years.

Starmer won in the UK, a mile wide of support and no depth anywhere. The future should be interesting, meaning can his brand of Left stay on top and govern.

As for Macron, he can triangulate. Lets see who gets the various roles in government before deciding it is only one way forward.

Alas, I agree with you on Iran.

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