
Facing the scary multitude of viciously irresponsible leaders you list (you skipped Korea!), I'm not sure why the one who truly infuriates me is Netanyahu.... maybe it's because I'm Jewish?

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It’s hard for me to imagine Israel making itself “palpably safer” by resorting to nuclear weapons in any scenario where it was not itself imminently threatened by them.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Joe, once again you expose your ignorance and small mindedness. The tactical nukes are merely a tactical issue, not a strategic one. First off, all of this international chaos is the fault of the failed Biden presidency (or more realistically the covert Obama influence). Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan obviously emboldened Putin and Iran and every other global bad actor.

Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump was still President. Furthermore, the Ukraine war would have been over in March 2022 if the Biden administration hadn’t forced UK PM Boris Johnson to convince Volodymyr Zelenskyy to reject the settlement agreement that Vladimir Putin offered and the tenants of which Zelenskyy had fundamentally already agreed. The corrupt Washington DC swamp and military industrial complex is making a fortune using the Ukraine war as an off shore money laundering scheme of US taxpayer dollars down to the life of the last Ukrainian. And they will want US taxpayers to subsidize their donors like Blackrock to rebuild Ukraine after the war. President Trump is absolutely correct; it is time to end the war and he can do it. Also, the citizens of Crimea and the Donbas should be allowed to be self-determining following the results of their ballot referendums when they chose to leave Ukraine and return to be part of the Russian Federation. President Trump has already promised that he can end the war after he is elected and before he is sworn into office. It’s easy to visualize the art of the deal; Crimea and the Donbas return to be part of the Russian Federation, both sides deescalate their military and Russia throws in a few $billion to rebuild Ukraine. The Ukrainian and Russian citizens are happy and the only ones who aren’t are the corrupt Ukrainian and US oligarchs.

Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis would still be castrated and incapable of escalating their terrorism if the failed Biden presidency hadn’t lifted the sanctions imposed on Iran by President Trump and then on top of it transferred $billions to Iran allowing them to bankroll these terrorist organizations. And the only reason the failed Biden administration is trying to restrain Bibi Netanyahu is to shore up 400k anti-Israel votes in Michigan. The citizens of Israel by an overwhelming majority support Netanyahu’s program to destroy Hamas and to firmly and proactively eliminate the threats from Hezbollah and the Houthis. What right do Americans have to “restrain” the Israelis from protecting themselves from terrorists? When re-elected for the second time President Trump will bring the remaining Arab nations into the spectacularly successful Abraham Accords and leave the terrorists as isolated outcasts.

Joe, you are a liar; there are no Trump supporters who are going to shoot Hattians in Springfield, Ohio. Provide one example in the last 8 years where a Trump supporter has shot an illegal immigrant, other than in self-defense. And if President Trump has “no moral bottom” then name one immoral act he has committed since descending the golden elevator in 2015 to announce his candidacy. By contrast Beijing Biden and the Clintons are the biggest grifters and most corrupt crime families in US political history. And the media’s love child, Obama, is a liar, a racist, a Marxist who hates America and Americans. Obama has done more to stir up racial division in the US than anyone in modern history.

And Joe, you completely forgot China’s aggressive actions in the South China Sea and their plans to take over Taiwan.

The only solution domestically and internationally is to make it too bit to rig and re-elect the best President in our lifetime, President Donald J. Trump.

Get ready for MAGA 2.0!

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For example number one, if Iran tests their weapon, in Iran, they have the sovereign right to do so. If they ever signed the non-proliferation treaty, I seriously doubt the mullahs are following its guides seriously. If they send one towards Israel, given their communications abilities, they may be forewarned. In which case, they will probably explode it over Iran or some other nation, in between Israel and it. The fallout from that, pun intended, will take awhile to settle.

Scenario number two is most likely the follow up to the aftermath of number one. Having sent a message, that Iran can be stopped, cleaning up the detritus, meaning the Houthis, would likely be high on their list.

Scenario number three, for me, brings on the question, when Ukraine was getting rid of their nukes and their excess uranium, did they also get rid of their tactical nukes. The answer to that may determine this scenario.

Agree, all are possible, sigh! War has become digitalized, meaning the devices are smaller, the power they pack, may be beyond anything used on a nation, exempting Japan.

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It’s difficult to hit “Like” on something so terrifying. Great analysis though.

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