Memorial Day takes on a more profound meaning after reading this article. Great guidance to your readers for positive participation.

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Completely agree with Joanne. The priorities for politicians underscored by Joe are right on target, as always.

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I join the others in complimenting you on an exceptionally fine and moving piece. As concerns governance, it triggers a few personal thoughts:

After perusing the Times, Post and WSJ in the mornings -- at 83 I have plenty of time to do it -- I watch Bret Baier's 6:00 newscast on Fox News. He frequently has a segment styled common cause which features a Democratic and Republican congress member discussing an issue they both support. I have also read that the Supreme Court reaches a unanimous decision on nearly half the cases it hears, and that that percentage has increased in recent years.

My point? While we can't paper over heated disagreements on certain hot button issues, we might do well to recognize there are more significant matters on which agreement is feasible than we might otherwise think. Not surprisingly, a lot of the legislators I see on those common cause segments are Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. I thank them for their service and for the hope they give me for our future.

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Joe, This Marine thanks you for this moving piece.

And while I had read your Primary Colors and Woody Guthrie bio, I had no idea about Payback. I just ordered it.

Semper Fi

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Thank you for your sane reflection on military service and our veterans!

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This touches my heart. It is troublesome that Memorial Day has, in some quarters, been reduced to an occasion for beer and brats with pals. This is a day of remembrance, of memoriam. Not a celebration; a solemn time to remember - in my case, family members who served - and pledge to work to make this country worthy of their sacrifice.

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A Just Cause for Memorial Day, thank you.

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Thank you ! It was avwonderful article

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Great piece.

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