I suppose if you have had as long a political career in the spotlight as Joe Biden you are bound to look like Zelig. As the "party line" has shifted over the years Joe has shifted with it. The one common thought about him throughout has been that he is personally a nice guy. Didn't give off that vibe in the interview. Sounded like a stubborn, selfish guy who --uniquely-- thinks of himself as a unique national resource.

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You have to wonder what the people close to President Biden are thinking. If he makes it to election day it won't end well.

But I also have to say this slow train wreck is a commentary on the pathetic condition of both political parties. We have two candidates who are widely disliked. The democrats now have a chance to nominate someone new. Supposedly their bench is full of talent. Republicans have nominated someone who isn't even a Republican if that means standing for some kind of coherent center-right governing philosophy. I thought both parties had a chance this year to mount a vigorous contest for the nomination during which competing ideas and programs might be the focus of some useful discussion. The wheels have come off the nominating process.

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I have tremendous affinity for Joe Biden, and think he is a great president, but we need to pull our quarterback; it’s time.

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I remember how often the 25th Amendment was casually tossed around during the Trump Administration by Schumer, Raskin and others. Irony, karma and a few other words come to mind, but mostly this is just sad. God help our country.

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I’m Joe Biden.

I’m feeling lucky.

I’m gonna roll the dice and if it’s neither a 6 nor a 7, …. well ….

we lose democracy.

But I’ll know I did my “goodest” …

and I’ll be okay with it if it doesn’t pan out for me.

C’mon everybody, watch me do this!

And God Bless us all, every one.

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Have never been a fan of Biden's, but even given that, what he has gone through in the debate and the interview is just unkind and sad. He deserved better.

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I’m afraid Joe is right. I feel miserable about where we are - ive liked Joe Biden for more than 50:years. I testified before him once or twice in the Carter years. But I no longer can see it. A practical question is how does it happen? I think the only person in America with the moral authority to tell,him is Nancy Pelosi

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At this point I think Pelosi, Obama and Clinton are the only ones he and Jill would listen to, and I’m not 100 percent sure they would listen even to them.

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Sort of agree. Don’t think he’d care one whit about Clinton. On Obama I also thought that he in the final analysis wasn’t willing to do anything hard. I can’t see him saying anything to Biden. Wish he would but I think he likes,being distant, and ironic, and a classic Martha’s Vinyard resident than taking risks. The only person with real moral weight in the party is Nancy

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Joe, I sat there watching the GS interview with President Biden and had two immediate thoughts: (1) he's nmbeing so tough on him to prove that there is no special treatment; and (2) who the f$&k does GS think he is, speaking to the President of the United States like that!? I think the Biden's agreement to be on the same stage as T***p was a mistake, lowering the office of President and elevating the oft-indicted, found guilty of 34 felony, sex offender and rapist, seditionist and traitor. What the hell is going on? The press has gone to the gutter, the news-as- entertainment media has become worse than even social media! Where have our moral and ethical standards gone? The media and tlking heads are chaotic, indecipherable, chattering and unintelligible with their heads so far up their asses! Joe Biden's my guy!

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Doing the debate was a huge mistake. Fatal for the country. I thought when they announced it that they were allowing Trump to get normalized. I also thought the media, in this case CNN, couldn’t recognize this, couldn’t make any effort to state what Trump is, and couldn’t possibly control him. Trump made,the brutality correct decision not to debate any of his R possible opponents. And the media blythely a.lowed,it without ever mentioning it. Biden’s people were not smart enough, or tough enough It might be that one very small silver lining in getting Biden out of the race could be that a true sense of urgency emerges and a truly competent campaign team.

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I agree with Lou Sernoff that Biden came across as stubborn and prideful. His rationale for believing he can go forward is apparently that he got good stuff done. Indeed, he did! But that is the past. I have heard people say that the decision to continue or drop out is a personal decision for Biden. I disagree! The future of this country depends on who we put forward to fight Trump and that should NOT be a personal decision for one very elderly man and his family. If Trump wins Biden will be O.K. with it because he will know that he tried his best? This is insane! This election is not all about Joe Biden! It is about us, people, and our country. We need a warrior to fight, not a weak, befuddled old man whose best days are behind him.

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