Aug 19Liked by Joe Klein

Joe it is obvious that the real issue is that you just aren’t intelligent enough to understand President Trump. You have to be an idiot to quote the lying moron’s at the Worthless comPost or to continue to lie that there wasn’t widespread election fraud in 2020 or to lie that Trump made money from government grift when he has actually lost $millions being President and that Beijing Biden and crooked Hillary aren’t two of the most corrupt politicians in history.

Cackling Kamala isn’t even capable of extemporaneous speech and hasn’t held a press conference since she announced her Presidential candidacy, what is that 28 days ago. President Trump spoke at a 90 minute rally with the teleprompter not working, had an exceptional two hour conversation without edit with Elon Musk and has held numerous impromptu news conferences which are all beyond Harris’s diminutive communication abilities. Trump was interviewed at the NABJ and Harris was a no-show, obviously knowing she wasn’t capable. BTW, I found watching Rachel Scott of ABC news trying to ambush and go toe to toe with the greatest political counter puncher in history to be hilarious. The organizers should have called the 3 knockdown rule. ;-)

So Joe it’s also obvious that you don’t have anywhere near the public speaking capability of President Trump and so you must be jealous. But no matter how much you losers in the democrat party propaganda media try to gaslight and carry the water for the democrat’s communist candidates only voters at the bottom of the IQ curve are going to believe you. It will not be enough.

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I foresee a joyful and celebrity-filled convention. I think Orangeman will blow a gasket and accuse Kamala of treason, and the press will enjoy the ratings bump. But it starts to get real and serious after Labor Day.

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Many of us up here in the Peanut Gallery are just horrified with the choice of prez candidates that the two parties are presenting, and I find myself incapable of making a choice when there appears to be no middle road.

Mr Klein, you are so good at explaining the current political situation, I'm hoping to find some path via what you will have to say in the next couple of months. So many thanks for providing the best unbiased essays at this unprecedented time. /glm

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