Note that nobody is pulling a Jim Jordan to support Menendez with fake explanations blaming “groomers”. Sometimes distilled 150 proof corruption shines so that all can agree.

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“But once again we have a situation where Democrats are supporting an idealistic theoretical, and the Republicans are supporting a populist practical…and I suspect the Republicans are getting the best of both worlds in the bargain. Higher wages and gas guzzlers! The American Way.”

Actually, the American Way has been gas guzzlers and declining wages - thus the strike. Trump has already come out against Shawn Fain, the UAW president and he in turn has had sharp words against Trump. Anyone who falls for Trump’s fake populism has not been paying attention.

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Tell that to the majority of UAW members who've voted for Trump in the past, and may well vote for him again.

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So wages haven’t been declining and a majority of UAW voted for the transparently racist grifter? Really? Evidence for the claim, please. Sorry, I’m skeptical.

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