I think it doesn't matter anymore if Slow Joe shuffles off into the sunset, or doesn't. That bloody photo, with fist and flag -- sure to inspire his base, and beyond, as it is sure to win the Pulitzer: I fear that all is over in the instant.

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I've covered presidential campaigns since 1976. There is plenty of time for the advantage to shift two, three, four more times. But the likelihood of that is reduced if the Democrats don't shuffle the deck, change their candidate, change the energy of the race. I'm not sure Kamala is the one to do that; I'm pretty sure Joe Biden isn't. Fasten your seatbelt.

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Very sage observation(s) Joe. I watched Biden's remarks last night. Appropriate words, but he looked and sounded like Methuzelah. Despite the teleprompter, he twice mentioned "battle box" instead of ballot box. If the energy of the race is going to change, that energy will have to come from some other source.

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Probably not now, but Harris could have defeated Trump if - a huge but doable if - she presented herself and ran a campaign the times call for. She could finally define herself not as the kumbaya girl eager please all the requisite groups but as a no nonsense former prosecutor determined to restore border, neighborhood & town, and economic security; self assured, purposeful and centrist. There were votes out there for that.

The likely November debacle will be laid at Biden’s feet, though all his sycophantic staff should share in it. That said, Democratic Party dysfunction and Left political stupidity have made this moment a long time coming. So, how could it be otherwise?

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What a terrific post. The shooting is rocket fuel for Trump's campaign. The photo of him, bloodied and defiant, raising his fist before an American flag is solid gold for them. It will be fascinating to see what happens in the polls, and by "fascinating" I do not mean fun.

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I can the moment rallying his base; anyone who cares about the country, not so much.

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There is an old adage, "Never switch horses in mid-stream.". To me this is where Biden is, cannot see how any replacement would have the time or staff, to get any meaningful movement going against Trump, at present, "The Triumphant". He is a man inculcated with what will look good on the news and in pictures. He adapts to the scene, almost seamlessly. He has political instincts like very few others I have experienced.

As for your idea of leaving the race, during Trump's Convention, he would be better placed to pick a new Vice-President. Get some new energy, what ever Harris is, new energy is not it.

Appreciate your King Canute analogy, am currently reading a book on England from 1000 to 1066. He has finally made his appearance and seems a rather benevolent Viking.

Nothing stays the same for long, and less long in politics.

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Before anointing Harris what exactly is the evidence that she would make a good president? Surely not her performance as senator or VP. As a campaigner?

Late as it is I'd like to see a contest for the nomination and a chance for candidates to display some of the qualities it would be nice to see in a president. I hope Biden does not attempt to endorse anyone. I doubt it would help the candidate's chances, which may be slim in any case. A contest might produce the next president if not this year four years hence.

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I really don't think that Biden will step down, but even if he does, I don't think that Harris or anyone else will be able to defeat Trump, especially after yesterday.

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